
Welcome to

The Living Blog

Interactive self-revelatory theater about reclaiming the body through erotic dance.


tenets of

the living blog


Vulnerability as Strength

Sometimes this seems like a paradox, although expressing vulnerability and authenticity often requires a fierce quality of character.

The Erotic as Power

First coined by Audre Lorde in 1978 recognizing the potency of the erotic. 

& Social Justice

The Living Blog envisions a world where all people, of every race, ethnicity, nationality, gender/sex, sexual preference, religious/spiritual or non-religious/spiritual leaning, ability, mentality, size, age, & socio-economic status is acknowledged, honored, & adored.


Sara Jane Wellock | Creatrix

Sara Jane’s early career was in Transformative Mediation - Conflict Resolution, & Bias Awareness including: leading workshops & trainings & mediating multiple cases over many years. She also traveled to South Africa as part of a 4-year initiative to improve relations between the US & Africa and sat in on the Truth & Reconciliation Hearings. In 2000, she began exploring Vipassana Meditation, attending silent retreats (culminating with spending 28 consecutive days in silence), & beginning her daily meditation practice (which she continues to this day). She has published writing across disciplines (poetic & technical) & across formats. In 2007, she began her profession in Staffing, Recruitment, Matchmaking (SF & NYC) starting with matching people & positions & leading to also matching people in romance. Sara Jane trained as a Moksha/Modo Yoga Teacher & spent 7 years training in Somatic Experiencing. She also practiced Authentic Writing in Woodstock, New York. She later discovered Self-Revelatory Theater (Life Stories, Berkeley, California) & Erotic Dance (S Factor in NYC & SF, Polarity Palace & Full Circle in NYC). She studied with Judy Gold at Primary Stages in NYC for two years and she is currently working with Rick Crom at the Comedy Cellar. She graduated from The School of Womanly Arts (Mastery/Creation), Altru Center (levels 1-3 & Masters Course), & The Academy with Kasia Urbaniak. Sara Jane is a Facilitator of Access Consciousness & a Practitioner of Orgasmic Meditation. She is also the Creatirx of Caress, all under the umbrella of her business: Ladybug Productions, Inc. Sara Jane combines her skills & experiences in offering her ongoing theater piece:

The Living Blog

Check her out.

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Sara Jane will read her diary entry from that morning and pair it with improvisational erotic movement. There will be opportunities for audience participation - or not. You choose your own adventure on the journey of, The Living Blog.

To view a listing of previous shows, see Events. To book a private session, go to Contact.

Wow!!! I so enjoyed seeing you perform tonight. What a talent. So natural. And, seriously... to join in on a dance with your badass
and the other S Girls. Heaven!
— Bernadette Pleasant, Femme!
You really affected me. I’m not sure all of the reasons why, but I am replete, filled up on your powerful vulnerability. I feel blessed to have been your witness. ❤️
— Tova Kristine Moreno, Tailor & Manager, Artur & Tailors Ltd.
It has taken 40 years, and sometimes it’s been excruciating to watch, but my darling sister has finally tapped the vein of her true soul. Combining her gift for writing, her willingness to go deep, her Indiana-Jones-adventure-style-sex-life, and the wacky arrhythmic way that she relates to the world into an ongoing performance of experimental theater where she reads a snapshot she has spontaneously written of her life at that moment and then performs an erotic dance to pair with it. She calls it The Living Blog. It has been performed once a week on stage in small theaters in NYC, but I have no doubt of its ability to gain momentum and a following. I am so proud of her courageous unapologetic unedited self.
— Mindy Springer, Artist/Sister
There wasn’t a dry seat in the house.
— Lyndsi Keves
Thank you Sara Jane Wellock for an amazing night!!! The Living Blog was so inspiring and brilliant!!! What a magical spiritual creation!!!!! My juices are flowing!!!!
— Kimberly Baker Simms, Naked Yoga Goddess & The Pleasured Mom